The Accelerated Successful Change Formula

Top 10 Change Accelerators to Extraordinary Performance

The Accelerated Successful Change Formula is adapted from the formula for change model created by David Gleicher, refined by Kathie Dannemiller, and further developed by Steve Cady. The premise is that three variables must be present for meaningful change to take place. If you miss any of the three (zero times anything is zero), failure is the result.

We have adjusted the model to represent our mission this way:

ASC = D X V X IV > F

And the variables are defined as:

• D = DISSATISFACTION with the current state
• V = VISION of what's possible that is shared by all and is inspiring and believable
• IV = INCREMENTAL VALUE to be recognized and celebrated during the change
• F = FEAR of committing to the change; change hesitancy; procrastination; inertia

If you are not dissatisfied with the current state enough to want to realize Accelerated Successful Change (desire), it is a zero and fear wins out.

If your vision is not believable or inspiring (desire), it is a zero and fear wins out.

If you do not quickly realize some wins towards the vision, inertia takes over, the project fizzles to zero, and fear wins out.

Accelerated Successful Change means that even if a project / initiative / goal is canceled, if it got off the ground at all, we had wins; we had something to celebrate; and we accelerated progress towards that vision (or the next change).